Instrument Calibration, AutoPilot Tuning & System Setup
Setup and calibration of your system is vital to correct operation, data accuracy and repeatability. The usual adage “rubbish in, rubbish out” applies very much here, so it's worth some serious thought and an investment in some time on and off the water to get things right...
DM Marine Electronics setup and calibration service typically covers the following:
- Boat speed accuracy and tack to tack differences
- Compass swing and alignment
- AWA mast head sensor alignment and tack to tack differences
- TWA, TWS and TWD calibration to get repeatable and believable numbers tack to tack up and downwind
- Miscellaneous sensor calibrations for mast rotation, rudder and keel angles, forestay and other rig loads
- AutoPilot tuning to improve steering performance and responsiveness, particularly in demanding conditions under sail
- Optimising system setup particularly in terms of:
- Display setup and usage
- Navigation with AIS, Charting, Radar, Sonar
- Interfacing with third-party equipment, GPS, Navigation, PCs, Gyro compass, etc and maximising the benefits of this integration
- Implementing appropriate redundant systems for backup, typically GPS, Compass, Pilot

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.